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Category: Software
Product Number: ADSP-21479
Software Version: VisualDSP

    I want to check the internal ram using the March C algorithm。The question is  the  March C algorithm will destroy  the data in ram    and  will casue the program  running and flying.

   usually,this test can be placed in the startup  file,but the sharc processors does not hava any startup file, so i dont know where i should start  the test.

   thanks for help.

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  •    I already download the manual above.

        I am quite new to assemble.    the manual only have the "SHARC Processor Assembler Keywords ",Is there any more particular manual about the Keywords.

       for example the "DM(I7,M7)"  ,I have no idea for the use of "DM".

       best regards.

  • Hi,

    The DSP’s Data Address Generators (DAGs) generate addresses for data moves to and from Data Memory (DM) and Program Memory (PM).

    Index registers (I0–I7 for DAG1 and I8–I15 for DAG2):  An index register holds an address and acts as a pointer to memory. For example, the DAG interprets DM(I0,0) and PM(I8,0) syntax in an instruction as addresses.

    Modify registers (M0–M7 for DAG1 and M8–M15 for DAG2: A modify register provides the increment or step size by which an index register is pre- or post-modified during a register move. For example, the DM(I0,M1) instruction directs the DAG to output the address in register I0 then modify the contents of I0 using the M1 register.

    We recommend to refer chapter 6(DATA ADDRESS GENERATORS) and chapter 9(INSTRUCTION SET TYPES) in the programming reference manual linked below:

    Anand Selvaraj.