I'm using a ADSP-SC573.
I have managed to run a DDR memory test on my ADSP_SC573 EZLITE. But now when I run it on our custom board it doesn't work.
On the ADSP_SC573 EZLITE there is a 2Gbit MT41J128M16JT-125. But on our custom board there is a MT41K256M16TW (4Gbit).
I tried the same sc5xx_init.c for this new memory and hoped it could work (but not for the full 4Gbit) but it doesn't work at all.
There are some differences in our custom circuit design. If we look at the EZLITE schematic. We don't use any pull-ups or pull-downs on LDQS and UDQS signals. And we have a pull-down on the RESET to ground instead of a pull-up.
Do I need to enable internal pull-ups pull-downs on the LDQS and UDQS signals? And what about the reset signal?
What do I need to edit in sc5xx_init.c to adapt it to my memory?