These procedures can be followed by a customer to modify the current Inetd 589 EzKit example for the 584 EzKit.
If these instructions are not clear enough, I can put together an engineering zone FAQ or appnote.
This procedure enable GigE on the Ethernet port closest to the corner of the board.
Step 1: Install CCES 2.5.0
Step 2: install SC5XX EzKit BSP
Step 3: Install LWIP 2.4.0
Step 4: Open CCES, select help->browse examples select ADSP-SC589 then browse for INETD example.
Step 5: Replace softswitch_cfg.c in your workspace with the attached softswitch_cfg.c
Step 6: Import the libraries shown below.
Step 7: Rebuild each library for the SC584 by right clicking on the project and selecting properties as shown below.
Step 8: Rebuild the Inetd project last to incorporate the new libraries just built.
Step 9: When configuring the ICE, make sure you select the SC584.
If the LED’s next to the Ethernet connector by the edge of the board do not light up, you probably forgot to copy the softswitch_cfg.c file.
Without the proper softswitch_cfg.c file, the Ethernet PHY will not come out of reset. It conflicts with the thumbwheel.
If the code never connects over Ethernet, verify you have the proper softswitch_cfg.c file.
Without the proper softswitch_cfg.c file, the PHY interrupt conflicts with pushbutton 3.
If you accidently ran the code without the SC589 softconfig, you may need to power cycle the SC584 EzKit board.
If you get this error: [TpsdkServer] Failed to retrieve memory format info for the memory type L2 ROM PM 2
Close CCES and re-open.
If you never see the servers starting in the debug console window (see image below).
You have DHCP enabled in LWIP and LWIP was not able to acquire an IP address.
Reconfigure LWIP for a static IP address.
I have only tested the SC584 LWIP build with static IP addresses.