Attached is the ASRC example code in TDM8/TDM16 mode for ADSP-SC59x. Please comment/ uncomment the TDM mode in the "ASRC_TDM_Mode.h" as per the requirement.
As shown in the below figures, using the TDM output port several ASRCs can be daisy-chained together and connected to the SPORT of this or another processor. The ASRC OP contains a 64-bit parallel load shift register. When the SRCx_FS_OP_I pulse arrives, each ASRC loads its left and right data into the 64-bit shift register. The input to the shift register is connected to SRCx_TDM_OP_I, and the output is connected to SRCx_DAT_OP_O. By connecting the SRCx_DAT_OP_O to the SRCx_TDM_OP_I of the next ASRC, a large shift register is created, which is clocked by SRCx_CLK_OP_I.
If the ASRC is used in TDM8 mode, 4 ASRCs are daisy chained to create the TDM8 support. Similary, to acheive ASRC TDM16 mode, 8 ASRCs are daisy chained to create the TDM16 support.
Please refer the below figures for for TDM8 and TDM16.