What are the modes of operation of SPDIF Tx block in ADSP-21568/21564?
What are the modes of operation of SPDIF Tx block in ADSP-21568/21564?
The S/PDIF transmitter can operate in standalone and full serial modes. Full Serial Mode is selected by clearing the SPDIF_TX_CTL.AUTO bit. In this mode all the status bits, audio data and the block start bit (indicating start of a frame), come through the serial data stream (SPDIF_TX_DATA_I) pin. Standalone Mode is selected by setting the SPDIF_TX_CTL.AUTO bit. In this mode, the block start bit (indicating the start of a frame) is generated internally. The channel status bits come from the channel status buffer registers. In this mode only audio data comes from the SPDIF_TX_DATA_I pin. All other data, including the status bit and block start bit is either generated internally or taken from the internal register.