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How many channels can be used when SPORTs is Multichannel (TDM) mode

How many channels can be used when SPORT configure as TDM mode,The maximum channels is 128 or 1024?

when two sports use the same Channel Select,is there any poblem? Do they conflict?

/*! Specifies the SPORT0A Channel Select 0 register Configuration*/
#define ADI_SPORT_0A_CS0 0xfful
/*! Specifies the SPORT0A Channel Select 1 register Configuration*/
#define ADI_SPORT_0A_CS1 0x00ul
/*! Specifies the SPORT0A Channel Select 2 register Configuration*/
#define ADI_SPORT_0A_CS2 0x00ul
/*! Specifies the SPORT0A Channel Select 3 register Configuration*/
#define ADI_SPORT_0A_CS3 0x00ul

/* Specifies the SPORT0B Channel Select 0 register Configuration*/
#define ADI_SPORT_0B_CS0 0xfful
/* Specifies the SPORT0B Channel Select 1 register Configuration*/
#define ADI_SPORT_0B_CS1 0x00ul
/* Specifies the SPORT0B Channel Select 2 register Configuration*/
#define ADI_SPORT_0B_CS2 0x00ul
/* Specifies the SPORT0B Channel Select 3 register Configuration*/
#define ADI_SPORT_0B_CS3 0x00ul

  • Hi,

    Regarding "Q1"
    >>>> The SPORT supports up to 128 channels in multichannel mode for data transmission or reception.

    Regarding "Q2"
    >>>> It is fine to use same channel select for two SPORT. This register is used to enabled or disabled the number of channels. For example,  TDM16 mode we can configure as below.

    #define ADI_SPORT_0A_CS0 0xffff //transmitter
    #define ADI_SPORT_0B_CS0 0xffff // Receiver

    To know more about channel select register please refer the "Active Channel Selection Registers" section in HRM in the below link.


  • Hi,

    Regarding "Q1"
    >>>> The SPORT supports up to 128 channels in multichannel mode for data transmission or reception.

    Regarding "Q2"
    >>>> It is fine to use same channel select for two SPORT. This register is used to enabled or disabled the number of channels. For example,  TDM16 mode we can configure as below.

    #define ADI_SPORT_0A_CS0 0xffff //transmitter
    #define ADI_SPORT_0B_CS0 0xffff // Receiver

    To know more about channel select register please refer the "Active Channel Selection Registers" section in HRM in the below link.

