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SPDIF driver problem in ADSP-21565

Category: Software
Product Number: ADSP-21565
Software Version: CCES 2.10.0


I have some problems when using SPDIF driver and I asked in another post, but I get no answer. So I start a new post here.

I need to use both SPDIF Tx and Rx, and I use another device made by ADAU1452 which is pretty good in both Tx an Rx to test the 21565 SPDIF driver.

Here are my tests. All the Tx send to Rx is using AES connector through a cable outside.

1. I use 21565 SPDIF Tx send to 21565 Rx, it's good work.

2. I use 1452 SPDIF Tx send to 1452 Rx, it's good work.

3. I use 1452 SPDIF Tx send to 21565 Rx, it's good work.

4. I use 21565 SPDIF Tx send to 1452 Rx, there's no audio received in 1452.

5. I enable the standalone mode in 21565 Tx and then I use 21565 SPDIF Tx send to 1452 Rx, I can get audios in 1452.

My question is why 21565 Tx can't send to another device unless when enable standalone mode? 


  • Hi,

    Please provide your comments on below points to assist you better on this issue.

    1.The S/PDIF transmitter can operate in standalone and full serial modes. Please confirm are you trying full serial mode for transmit audio from 21565 SPDIF Tx to 1452 Rx?
    2. Are you facing any errors or exceptions?
    3. Please let us know the frequency

    Anand Selvaraj.

  • Hi,

    1. For the 21565 SPDIF Tx to 1452 Rx, I first use full serial mode, in the 1452 Rx I can't get audios. Then I only replace to the standalone mode without any other changes, and I can get audios in 1452.

    2. There's no errors at all, I can get audios in 21565 Rx itself if I connect the Tx cable outsid loopback to 21565 Rx. I don't need to do anything, just pull out the cable from 1452 device and plug in the 21565 device.So everything is same, I just change the receive device. One is good, another is not.

    3.The SPDIF Tx0 clk and fs is from SPORT2B in i2s mode which is 3.072MHz and 48KHz. The HCLK is from PCGB which is 12.288MHz. PCGB is from CLKIN0 which is 24.576MHz.

  • Hi,

    Please find the attached code. In SPDIF_Loopback code, we are transmit and receive the sine wave tone. It is tested using ADSP-21569 Ez-kit and ADAU1457 board.
    It works fine in both scenario and both modes(full serial and standalone). Please take this as reference.

    SPDIF_TX to

    Anand Selvaraj.