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List of all DSP Pins and Data transfer to DSP through SMC Port (any example)

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ADSP-21584

I have a few questions related to ADSP21584:

1. where to find the list of all the pins of ADSP-21584 ?

2. How to transfer data from outside world to the DSP through SMC Port (any example code) ?

3. How to take out data from DSP through SMC Port (any example code) ?

  • Hi,

    1 >>Please refer the "ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x DETAILED SIGNAL DESCRIPTIONS" [Page No: 26/173] in the datasheet, it provides a detailed description of each pin for separate package.

    Also, please refer the "Table 27. ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x Designer Quick Reference"[Page No: 58/173] in the datasheet to find pin related information for circuit board design. Please find the link for the ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x datasheet given below.

    2&3>> The SMC contains memory-mapped registers that control the access characteristics for each asynchronous memory bank. Different banks can be programmed in different modes, independently controlled using the functional and cycle time bit settings for each bank.

    The SMC provides separate sets of registers, SMC_B0CTL – SMC_B3CTL(control), SMC_B0TIM – SMC_B3TIM(timing) and SMC_B0ETIM – SMC_B3ETIM(extended timing) to control the mode and timing characteristic of each bank independently. The control registers contain bits for enabling the bank and bits for selecting mode of operation.

    We have an SMC example code for ADSP-SC589 processor. Please find the example code from the below ezone link which configures SMC Bank 0. Please take this as a reference and modify accordingly to your requirement.

    You can probe and verify the SMC read/data signals as mentioned in the ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x HRM.

    Please refer the chapter 11 “Static Memory Controller (SMC)” and section "SMC Programmable Timing Characteristics"[Page No: 488/3973] in the ADSP-SC58x/ADSP-2158x Hardware reference Manual from the below link,

    Also, you can refer the datasheet for asynchronous memory read/write timing related to the SMC.

    Nandini C