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Re: Flashing example code on custom board

Category: Software
Product Number: ADSP-21489

Hello Team, 

I am new to the ADI environment and also new to DSP programming.

I am trying to flash the example code for UART echo_back to my custom created board.

I confirm that the pin configuration is same as the EZ board for which the example is given.

I am following below steps to program the chip and I am using VisualDSP++ for the same.

1. Open the project.

2. Build the project.

3. Create a session and connect the target (I am able to connect to the target using ICE 1000 programmer.

4. Go to tools-->flash programmar-->Select the driver file and click-->load driver.

Driver file location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Analog Devices\VisualDSP 5.1.2\214xx\Examples\ADSP-21489 EZ-Board\Flash Programmer\Parallel

5. Once driver is loaded, go to programming-->select the data file which is created when you build the prject and click program with the other values unchanged.

6. Once programmed, switch off the board, disconnect the programmer and start the board.

7. Plug the UART converter and insert the USB on PC. Note it is RS232 to UART converter which works fine, so no doubt of hardware issues.

8. Open putty, select the UART parameters, com port and click OK.

However, the putty terminal is empty. Not getting any response

  • Hi Sushant,
    Could you please confirm your flash part, Are you using the same flash available in 21489 Ezkit. Because, The flash drivers we ship with our tools are specific to our EZ-Kit boards. As this is the case, we would recommend that you use one of our current drivers as a base for creating a driver which will be compatible with your flash part. We provide documentation for the Flash Programmer API, which describes the commands the Flash Programmer Drivers require to perform the Flash accesses.
    Also, explain about your application. If possible, could you please try with simple application to check whether issue is dependent on application or not.