I have the SC598 SOM board and i have set it in SPI SLAVE BOOT mode and am trying to send it the contents of the .ldr file i have created via an external master processor.
I have tested to see if the program works first in the debugger and also sent it via the flash loader to the onboard FLASH. it all works fine.
but i understand that the elfloader must be configured differently for SPI SLAVE.
This is my configuration.
Do i need another option for blocks of zeros ?
"C:\analog\cces\3.0.0\elfloader.exe" -proc ADSP-SC598 -core0=SS_uC_App_Core0 -core1=SS_uC_App_Core1.dxe -core2=SS_uC_App_Core2.dxe -NoFinalTag=SS_uC_App_Core0 -NoFinalTag=SS_uC_App_Core1.dxe -b SPISLAVE -f BINARY -Width 8 -verbose -o SPIFlash_MultiCore.ldr
i have the documents EE447V01 which describes what the default signals and pins for the ADSP-SC59x (Table 1)
is this correct as there i cannot find anything in the hardware reference manual about the default settings in slave boot mode.
do i configure my SPI master data LSB or MSB, clock speed etc ?
on page 47-26 of the hardware reference manual
it states
"The SPI slave processor detects the correct boot mode from the host SPI device by reading the first byte sent, defined as SPICMD. The SPICMD Descriptions table describes the available codes. These additional bytes must be
sent prior to transmitting the data to configure the SPI device"
is this command sent with and individual CS operation or part of a block of 1024 bytes of data ?
In the diagram 47-8 it doesn't show this operation in the first flow chart. So is this always necessary to send the command byte ?
sorry for all the questions but i cannot find a complete explanation of how to achieve a slave boot operation.
I have found many forum posts about other DSPs but i don't know if these are relevant to SC598.
Many thanks for any help
question removed
[edited by: Beaker at 5:00 PM (GMT -4) on 13 May 2024]