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Boot failed after programming flash with large size binary although the size is within serial flash memory

Category: Software
Product Number: ADSP-SC594
Software Version: CCES 2.10.1


I have two problems about programming flash memory.

The two symptoms are related with the size of binary file to be programmed.

For example,

case 1) 336 KB binary: no problem! ok

case 2) 8.2 MB binary: small symptom

In console screen of flash programming batch program, writing process finished well, but verifying process halts.

At that time, I terminate the process and repower board, then it boots ok.

case 3) 21.7 MB binary: critical problem

The verifying process halts as above.

and after repowering, boot fails as SYS_FAULT led on.

The specification of our system is as follows:


CCES: v2.10.1

emulator: ICE-1000 

Flash memory: IS25LP512M (capacity 512Mb = 64MB)

Driver file: is25lp512m_dpia_SC594_Core1.dxe

The content of batch file:

"C:\Analog Devices\CrossCore Embedded Studio 2.10.1\cldp.exe" -proc ADSP-SC594 -core 1 -emu ICE-1000 -driver "is25lp512m_dpia_SC594_Core1.dxe" -cmd prog -erase affected -format bin -file "VC_CM_Core0.ldr" -cmd compare -format bin -file "VC_CM_Core0.ldr"


==The end==


Is there anyone who experiences this problem or can help me?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,

Johnny Jeong

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