1. This example demonstrates the usage of the ADAU1979 ADC and ADAU1962a DAC.
Both the ADC and DAC are configured in I2S mode.
PCG is configured to provide clock and frame sync to SPORT4A, SPORT4B ,ADAU1962 DAC, ADAU1979 ADC.
2.ADAU1962_clkin is given to PCG using DAI1_PIN03 and configured to provide DBclk and DLRclk to DAC, ADC.
3. If it is a custom board its recommended to use the suggested loop filters (refer: Figure 8) for DLRCLK , which is mentioned under "TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS" in ADAU1962A Datasheet Page:13. and Figure 15 which is under "PLL AND CLOCK" in ADAU1979 datasheet page:13
4. User Configuration Macros
ADI_CONFIG_CONTINUOUS_AUDIO - This macro is used for selecting continuous time/short time audio as follows
ADI_CONFIG_CONTINUOUS_AUDIO : 1 (Continuous Audio playback)
ADI_CONFIG_CONTINUOUS_AUDIO : 0 (Audio playback for short duration)
By default audio playback is set to run for short duration(ADI_CONFIG_CONTINUOUS_AUDIO=0).
5. Hardware Setup & External connections
- Connect an audio source i/p to J7(IP1 & IP2) as shown in below diagram.
- Connect a headphone J10 to listen audio o/p (OP1 & OP2) as shown in below diagram.