Hello! We have a strange failure with our ADSP-21569 + DDR3 audio product in the R&D phase.
For software, we have a simple project that simply passes the audio data on the input of one SPORT to the output of another (passthrough). We are loading this from a host processor over SPI.
On several boards now, we have seen the failure where the software downloads ok and the firmware starts to run. However, it appears the DSP crashes, but the audio that was on the input previously continues to output, but just loops over and over, i.e. further changing the audio input does not change the output -- it continues to repeat whatever the input signal was at program start.
This seems like a hardware issue to us because most PCBs do not have any issue, and once a PCB is in this state, it cannot be recovered.
We were wondering if this failure mode has been seen before by anyone else, and where may be a good area/method to start to look for the issue?