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ONLY USE S/PDIF Transmitter IN adsp21565?

I want ONLY use  S/PDIF Transmitte  in adsp21565 and i encount some issue .

the route: sport3B(tx)---------SPDIF TX0 (tx) ---------DAI0_PIN08(TX)

1 the next picture about my pcg B config and it's right?


2 the next picture about my SPDIF TX0 config and it's right?

3 the next picture about my SPOTRT 3b config and it's right?



1 THE dai0-pin08 is need extra config in hardware ? need a resistance or something?

2 the sport3B need extra config in coding?

[edited by: GenevaCooper at 3:27 PM (GMT -5) on 22 Dec 2023]

Thread Notes

  • Hi,

    There is an example code for SPDIF in ADSP-21569 BSP, could you please refer that code for SPDIF configuration which may helpful for your application. Please find the BSP link below

    Path: \Analog Devices\EV-2156x_EZ-KIT-Rel1.0.1\EV-2156x_EZ-KIT\Examples\drivers\adc\SPDIF_ASRC_DAC_AudioPassthrough

    Also, for further assistance, please explain more about what issue you're facing ?


  • so what should i do to address this  issue (the output left channel audio with noise,and right channel audio is worse than  left channel audio)

  • Hi,

    From the given configuration, seems you are using the same PCG (PCG_Device_B) to provide clock for both SPDIF_TX_CLK and SPDIF_TX_HFCLK. As shown in the image HFCLK should be 256xFS ,it should not be the same as SPDIF_TX_CLK.  So please configure the HCLK as per the below condition and try configuring with different PCGs for each clock.

    Please refer the below application note which discusses briefly about SPDIF,

    Also, Are you using 16 bit Data or 32 bit Data could you please confirm this?


  • thank for your  reply

    but the issue(the output left channel audio with noise,and right channel audio is worse than  left channel audio) is still exist。

     1 the next is my update setting:

    pcg B clk:3.072MHz

    pcg A clk:12.288MHz

    pcg B FS:48KHZ

    2. adi_sport_ConfigData.nWordLength only in 23 or 24,the device can record audio( with noise).

    3 how  to set an right value about adi_sport_ConfigClock.nClockRatio and  adi_sport_ConfigFrameSync.nFsDivisor , and what other sport api  should be set exclude adi_sport_ConfigMC ,adi_sport_SelectChannel,adi_sport_ConfigClock ,adi_sport_ConfigData

    4 some thing meke me confused when adi_sport_Open.ADI_SPORT_MODE is  ADI_SPORT_MC_MODE , the  device can record audio( with noise).

    5 i only ste the api about spdif TX that adi_spdif_Tx_Open and adi_spdif_Tx_Enable, what other spdif tx api  should be set?

    Finally, do you have any other contact information? I want to resolve this issue quickly. Thank you

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