This is not recommended.
The data-sheet says in Note 26: EEPROM writes can become nonfunctional after the data-retention time is exceeded. Long-term storage at elevated temperatures is not recommended; the device can lose its write capability after 10 years at +125°C or 40 years at +85°C.
The data-sheet says in Note 26: EEPROM writes can become nonfunctional after the data-retention time is exceeded. Long-term storage at elevated temperatures is not recommended; the device can lose its write capability after 10 years at +125°C or 40 years at +85°C.
However, you should expect the higher temperature storage to have a significant impact on the data retention listed on our data sheet. Temperature impact on data retention is not linear, so given above trend, you have to assume that >+125C would further reduce retention to just 2 years if not even worse.