Please confirm if the attached photo shows the DS18S20 product. It seems different from the product we have been using. Your review is appreciated.
The DS18S20 digital thermometer provides 9-bit Celsius temperature measurements and has an alarm function with nonvolatile user-programmable upper and...
DS18S20 on
Please confirm if the attached photo shows the DS18S20 product. It seems different from the product we have been using. Your review is appreciated.
Hello DS1558W
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide information about parts in the EngineerZone community based on their markings. We suggest going back to your point of purchase to get this information. ADI only provides warranty coverage or any quality, reliability, failure analysis, applications, or other support on products purchased through ADI authorized distributors and sales offices. To ensure you are receiving unused, legitimate ADI products, please ensure all purchases are made through the ADI authorized distributors and sales offices listed on our website at Sales and Distribution | Analog Devices
You can get more information on this topic on our website at Quality and Reliability Programs | Analog Devices
Dave T
You can be sure that what you bought is a fake, the authentic one starts with DS in the second line.