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1-wire Presence / Disconnection

Category: Hardware
Product Number: DS2485

Hi ADI Team, 

have a pretty generic question about 1-wire interface.

for 1-wire bus I skimmed enough to know that on power-up 1-wire devices give a presence pulse. 

Is there a mechanism to detect disconnection of the peripheral device without without periodically polling the device?

At any time, for our application, there will either be either 1 peripheral or 0/nothing connected. 

For ESD protection of the 1-wire controller and peripheral sides for hotswap application, is there anything specific to be concerned about?

I would also like to point out that i used the M/S terminology which of course is problematic and got a warning about non-inclusive language.
I only used it because thats how it is referred to in ADI/Maxims datasheets. 
If I may suggest updating the datasheets to remove the M/S terminology to be consistent. 

