I'm developing a DVP code based on https://ez.analog.com/dsp/f/q-a/550406/differential-pulse-voltammetry-on-ad5941 and I'm having two questions:
1. I can adjust the frequency on M355_SqrWaveVoltammetry example without problems and I can check it on oscilloscope, but using the previous DVP code when I put 25 HZ ( pRampCfg->Frequency = 25; /* Frequency of square wave in Hz */) I'm obtaining a period of 120ms (checked on oscilloscope). does anyone know why?
2. I'm using a Palmsens (EmStat Pico Development Kit ) kit to compare my results, and on my solution I'm getting apparently the right curve but the output of current value is different when compared with Palmsens, please look bellow:
On the first peak, the value is 223 uA (ADuCM355 ) and on the second is 9.12uA ( PalmSense)
My configuration on ADuCM355:
/* Step 2:Configure square wave signal parameters */
pRampCfg->RampStartVolt = -500; /* -0.5V */
pRampCfg->RampPeakVolt = +500; /* +0.5V */
pRampCfg->VzeroStart = 1000.0f; /* 1.3V */
pRampCfg->VzeroPeak = 1000.0f; /* 1.3V */
pRampCfg->Frequency = 40; /* Frequency of square wave in Hz */
pRampCfg->SqrWvAmplitude = 200; /* Amplitude of square wave in mV */
pRampCfg->SqrWvRampIncrement = 10; /* Increment in mV*/
pRampCfg->SampleDelay = 5.0f; /* 10ms. Time delay between DAC update and ADC sample. Unit is ms. */
pRampCfg->LPTIARtiaSel = LPTIARTIA_8K; /* Maximum current decides RTIA value */
My configuration on Palmses is:
does anyone know what can be happening?
thanks in advance,