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board programmer DSP

hello I'm new here, I'm 19 I know c # c ++ assembly (freescale MCU)

I wanted to learn something more about dsp.

I am looking a bit I liked the dsp analog devices.

I'm used with the MCU that are programmed with JTAG, I use USBDM but did not know how to begin to use the dsp.

I have three questions.


What do you advise me to begin?


dsp as: ADSP-2184 as I can program (JTAG or eeprom)?

queli devices are to be bought for the flash program and what are the software Use clean?

3. is possibile with a very fast dsp create filters RF 0-30 mhz? (for example, 300 MHz)

I thank you for the help I'd really like to try to create something.

hopefully it will not cost much : D hello marco IU3DVD

  • Hello.

    I hope that someone can help me.

    Now I wanted to ask if they could move my question in the correct section, I apologize for the error.

  • Hi Marco

    Welcome to the world of DSP.

    I would start with a different processor. The ADSP-2184 is very old. You might look at one of the SHARC or Blackfin EZ Kits to get started. My preference is SHARC.

    DSPs are not ideal for high speed sampling by themselves. Lets assume your core is running at 400 MHz. At 30 MHz sampling, you only have 400/30 = 13 instructions per sample to do things. Sometimes we mix FPGAs and DSPs for these kind of applications.

    I think you might be able to use the ADSP-SC589 for an SDR if you dedicated one core to down sampling and the other for signal processing. The ARM would likely handle housekeeping. This is a very advanced processor for a newcomer. I would probably start with a ADSP-214xx instead and do something other than high speed (30 MHz) applications.

    If you are interested in audio processing, we will have a low cost line of ADSP-21479 boards this fall. You might also look at sigmaDSP.

    Al Clark

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