What is Lockbox?
Lockbox is ADI's registered trademark for security features in its embedded processors.
Lockbox Secure Technology for Analog Devices Blackfin Processors is based upon the concept of authentication of digital signatures using standards-based algorithms and provides a secure processing environment in which to execute code and protect assets. Lockbox Secure Technology is comprised of a combination of hardware and software mechanisms that provide the means for developers to implement security measures that range from safeguarding secrets such as OEMs' intellectual property, to verifying the identity of devices and users for protected e-commerce and social networking, to digital rights management (DRM) content protection.
An overview of Lockbox Secure Technology on Blackfin processors can be found here:
Lockbox Secure Technology | Analog Devices
Online training on Lockbox can be found here:
Details of Lockbox features specific to each processor can be found in the Security and OTP chapters of the respective processor Hardware Reference Manual:
Blackfin Processors: Manuals | Analog Devices
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