The L2CTL module of the BF70x has the following differences as compared to BF60x:
- The L2 SRAM size in BF70x is 1 Mega Bytes with eight banks of size 128 KB each. While in BF60x the L2 SRAM size is 256 KB with each bank of size 32 KB.
- The L2 ROM size in BF70x is 512KB. While in BF60x the L2 ROM size is 32KB.
- The L2CTL in BF70x supports ECC error detection for ROM as well. While it is not supported in BF60x.
- The L2CTL in BF70x supports automatic H/W initialization of all the L2 SRAM banks. For BF60x, it has to be done in the software.
-The memory scrub/refresh procedure in BF70x is different than in BF60x. In BF60x, the refresh has to be done one by one by writing to the L2CTL_RFA register. In BF70x, a block of data can be refreshed at a time by writing the start address and count registers.
- Unlike in BF60x, the L2CTL in BF70x has one additional interrupt called as scrub/init done interrupt to indicate the completion of scrub/init procedure.
- For power saving, the L2CTL in BF70x have two low power mode options called as deep sleep and shut down mode.