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BF70x spi flash memory-mapped

I currently have the spi2 interface setup to read/write from my spiflash (winbond w25q32bv).  I would like to setup my spi flash as memory-mapped to my dedicated spi2 memory in the BF707.  Anybody has it configured that way and could share his input on how to configure it?

kind regards,


  • Hi Romeo,

    To enable Memory Mapped Mode for SPI2 all you need to do is set the SPI_CTL.MMSE bit, then you can adjust the SPI_MMRDH for your specific SPI device.

    Now, in Memory Mapped Mode you cannot write to the SPI device, only read. This is useful if you are only going to be executing from the SPI memory locations. If you intend to write to the SPI memory locations then Memory Mapped Mode will not work for you.


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