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Blackfin glueless interface?

Category: Software
Product Number: Blackfin609
Software Version: 2.11


This is Raju i was Trying to Implement Glueless interface.

 I configured SMC as Asynchronous Mode

My application was BlackFin Will Write Specific Data in Specific Bank in SMC through Address Bus, Data bus FPGA, As per Conditions Octal UART receive / Transmits The Data?

I just Configured SMC as Asynchronous Mode to Write Data on SMC Memory Bank /Read Data From Memory Bank, BlackFin Input Clock 25MHZ

*PREG_SMC0_B1TIM = 0x3F010F01;


PREG_SMC0_B1ETIM = 0x31311;




I configured Bank 1 (0xB4000000 )

Smc_Write(0xB4000000, 0x12,0xADDA); -This is The Fun Call I Used Write into SMC Bank.

SMC_Write(uint32_t Add, uint32_t offset, uint32_t data)

{uint16_t* p = (uint16_t *)add, res;

*(p+offset) = data;


}// as per POST i Configured SMC.

As Per My OctalUART i have some Register are there to Configure?  I configured as per Datasheet. Local loop back Was happened,  withis Configuration but I was Un able to Send Data To Octal UART. Or I was Unable to Receive data Through octal UART.

Can Any one help Me with SMC configuration or Should i Work on octal UART (SC28L)?

 Thank you

Best regards

E. Raju

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