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Blackfin609 SPORT Data Error Secondary Status?

Category: Software
Product Number: Blackfin 609
Software Version: CCES 2.11
  1. Hi Everyone 

This is Raju I was trying to Interface DAC AD5764 with SPORT But I was Unable to What was issue with My Configuration.

#Define DAC1 = 0x10000000;

#Define DAC2 = 0x11000000;

Clock_Division =30,Frame sync =23,Serial Word Length =23

*PREG_SPORT2_CTL_B = 0x02037C11;

*PREG_SPORT2_DIV_B = Clock_Division & 0xFFFF;

*PREG_SPORT2_DIV_B = (Frame sync <<16);

These two Registers Are Configured for SPORT2.

For Transmission :*PREG_SPORT2_TXPRI_B = DAC2 || 16384;


after transmission I observed Some Registers in Register Browser

*PREG_SPORT2_CTL_B = 0x06037C11;

*PREG_SPORT2_ERR_B = 0x00000020;//Data Error Secondary Status

I was trying to Convert Digital Data 16384  Counts into Analog Data (CRO)

Can Anyone Help Me With This?

Best Regards,


  • Hi Raju,

    The DAC AD5764 that you are looking to connect supports SPI interface, it will be recommended to use SPI for data transmission.
    Since this interfacing needs gated clock and it is possible using SPI interface.

    On the AD5764 the SYNC pin can be treated as a chip select, while SYNC is high the data and clock signals will be ignored.

    Let us know if you can connect the DAC through SPI interface with the ADSP-BF609 without any issue in the transmission.

    Please refer to the DAC datasheet from the link below for more information on Serial interface and Pin functional descriptions:


  • Hi Divya

    ---Let us know if you can connect the DAC through SPI interface with the ADSP-BF609 without any issue in the transmission.

    Now I'm Working With Custom Boards. In schematics AD5764 Routed To SPORT2.

    Can you help me with SPI Interface?

    1)In SPI CS, MOSI, CLK  Configured as GPIO.

    2)Set GPIO

    3) in Transmission Clear and Set GPIO as per Conditions?


  • Hi Raju,

    Yes, you can connect the DAC through SPI interface with the ADSP-BF609.
    For the SPI interface in ADSP-BF609, you have to enable SPI pins as peripherals as they are muxed as GPIO's.

    Please refer to the below screenshot and steps to configure the required SPI pins to configure data transmission with your DAC.


    •    Step 1. Click on the system.svc to open the system configuration overview
    •    Step 2. Click on the Pin Multiplexing window to select the SPI module.
    •    Step 3. Select/Enable all the SPI pins required for your transmission requirement. (Note: Kindly avoid mux grouping to not have any issue while data transfer)
    For more information on SPI configuration, kindly refer to the section:25 "Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)" in the HRM provided in the link below:

    Hereby, attaching example SPI transmission code for ADSP-BF609 for your reference, refer the following code to modify as per your

    Can you further provide your exact requirement and settings for the custom board data transmission, to provide more clarity on the issue.


  • Hi Divya

    Now SPORT Working Fine.

    I made Changes In OPMode as DSP  Serial.

    Tq for your Support.