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USB Example Code for ADSP-CM408F

I tried using the example code provided by Analog Devices for the USB.  The README.html file instructed me to compile it, where I got over 40 errors, one shown here:

      Offending text: "$_ADI_MICRIUM_PATH_CM40X_$\uC-CPU\ARM-Cortex-M4\IAR\cpu_a.asm" 

         Partial command line: ""$_ADI_MICRIUM_PATH_CM40X_$\uC-CPU\ARM-Cortex-M4\IAR\cpu_a.asm"          "-OC:\Analog Devices\ADSP-CM40x\CM403F_CM408F_EZ-KIT\
         examples\Usb\VendorBulk\CM408F\IAR\Debug\Obj" "-s+" "-M<>" "-w+" "-r" "--cpu" "Cortex-M4" "--fpu" "None" "

It appears this file, cpu_a.asm, and several others, are not even provided.  So, basically the example is totally useless.

 Is there any example USB code that I can use (using the drivers provided by ADI, I am programming in C and want to use their provided USB drivers) ? 

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.