Although earlier versions of LTspice allowed you to change keyboard shortcuts, there was no easy way to export the entire keyboard map to share or use in another instance of LTspice, nor was there an easy way to pull in a keyboard map from somewhere else. LTspice allows you to save and load entire sets (maps) of keystrokes, so you can share a map with others, or throw them over to another instance of LTspice. The shortcuts are stored in a human-readable text file, so it is easy to examine them outside LTspice. You can save as many shortcut maps as you like. Any shortcut map you load into an instance of LTspice remains in effect until you load a new set, or change them directly in the Keyboard Shortcut dialog.
The currently active keyboard mappings are shown in both menus and tooltips on the toolbar.
To save a keyboard shortcut map…
a. Choose Tools > Control Panel
b. Click the Drafting Options tab
c. Click the Keyboard Shortcuts button
d. Change the keyboard shortcut for any item by clicking to select the item, then type the keystroke you would like to use.
The keystroke description changes to match your actual keystroke.
e. Click Save to File
f. Name your file and choose its location
g. Click Save
To load a keyboard shortcut map…
a. Open the Keyboard Shortcut Map dialog as shown above.
b. Click Load from file
c. Select the file containing the desired map
d. Click Open
e. The mappings from the file are applied to the dialog.
f. Click OK.