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Hot swap model fails with vendor 5-pin MOSFET models

Category: Software
Product Number: LTC4287
Software Version: 24.0.9

I am attempting to simulate MOSFET thermal scenarios with the LTC4287 hot swap and a Nexperia MOSFET (PSMN2R3-100SSE).

The header text in the FET SPICE model states that it requires the use of the LTSpice command line switch -SOI. However, the LTC4287 model seems to break when I run LTSpice with the -SOI option, throwing a "Can't find definition of model u1:u1:ncompd" error for several nodes of the hot swap, even when simply attempting to run the LTC4287 example design. Clicking through the errors allows you to plot the "results," but they are nonsensical unless you're using a FET from the built-in LTSpice library.

I have observed the same problem with thermo-electrical (drain gate source Tj Tcase) models from both Nexperia and Infineon. Running without -SOI causes the FET model to run extremely slowly and eventually error out, while running with -SOI breaks the LTC4287 as described above. Running a simple circuit test with only the FET shows that the FET model works just fine with -SOI. But there seems to be no way to simulate them together without one of the two models failing.

Is it even possible to successfully integrate 5-pin MOSFET models from vendors with LTSpice parts? This seems to be a compatibility issue with the models, and I'm a loss for how to proceed.

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