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Issues with LTspice 24 Search Paths

Category: Software
Product Number: LTspice
Software Version: 24.0.9

I have two issues with the user libraries search paths:

1. The symbol picker does not look at sub folders under the top folder for user symbols. It does it for ADI symbols in the ADI library and should also do it for user libraries. I keep symbols in separate sub folders by category and having to enter a separate search path for each category is excessive.

2. Environment variables are not supported in user libraries search paths. That means that it is necessary to type in an absolute path instead of an environment variable like %USERPROFILE% or %OneDriveCommercial% and a relative path. I maintain libraries for a number of engineers and it would be helpful if every engineer could place his or her copy of the custom library in a known spot and use an environment variable to point to it.

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  • Hi Earl,

    I have the same issue. You can't browse subfolders for any extra search paths you added to settings. But it is still possible for default LTSPICE path in appdata\local


    I think there is also issue with "User libraries directory - libraries, symbols... (.dio, etc)" . I've added standard.dio file to this path with only 1 component but it is not showing up on the list of diodes.

    Ok, I see the files must have names: user.dio user.cap etc.

