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AD8561 output

Category: Software
Product Number: AD8561
Software Version: LTSPICE 17.1.15

The AD8561 model in LTSPICE 17.1.15 appears to have the output and the complementary output mapped the wrong way round. The outputs go high when they should go low and vice versa. Response to a triangle wave shown below, n001 is the output pin. I noticed this has been raised before (, just letting you guys know the problem is ongoing.


  • Hi DRBB,

    Thank you for raising this concern, I already sent an email to the designated applications engineer that is in-charge of this device to verify the concern and raise a corresponding report so we could address this in the model itself.

    Thank you for using LTspice.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi DRBB,

    Thank you for raising this concern, I already sent an email to the designated applications engineer that is in-charge of this device to verify the concern and raise a corresponding report so we could address this in the model itself.

    Thank you for using LTspice.

    Best Regards,

