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Model definitions for standard models not found

Category: Software
Product Number: LTSpice
Software Version: 17.1.5

I updated my LTSpice version recently and somehow now the standard models are not found when I start a simulation run.

For example, if I place a transistor, I can select it from the components library and pick a transistor from the list:

If I select this one and add it to my schematic like so:

The configuration is as follows:

Then, if I run the simulation, it gives me the following error message:

I checked all the path settings, but it seems to be correct.

Any ideas on how to solve this?
Thanks in advance!

Parents Reply Children
  • I updated to 17.1.5 and updated the components and I still have the same problem.
    Do I need to re-install? And if so, do I need to remove libraries manually?

  • Hi  ,

    If the problem still persists, you can reinstall the application again. you may uninstall your LTspice first and perform a clean re-installation. if it the problem still persists, thenI guess we have to report it to the LTspice developer team.

    Thank you.



  • I had to put this on ice for a while, but now I removed and re-installed LTSpice (v24.0.12) and the problem still persists.

    If I place e.g. a MOSFET and I want to select the part, it shows the full list of components incl. the models.
    Then if I try to run the simulation, it says "can't find definition of model... (exactly that model)".

    What else can I try?

  • I offer these as suggestions to try, but I don't know if they help fix the problem.

    (1)  Problems similar to this often happen when someone's drive structure is not local to their computer, but parts of it are networked, or shared on a backup system or drive of some sort.  That could cause LTspice to not access the standard library files when the simulation runs.  Are any of your computer's drives networked, or tied to online backup systems?

    (2)  With the schematic open, right-click on your NPN symbol for the 2N2222, and choose "Pick New Transistor".  The 2N2222 that you selected should be highlighted.  Scroll to the right so that you can see more in the column labeled "SPICE Model".  Do you see something like this under that column:

    .model 2n2222 NPN(IS=1E-14 VAF=100 ... (and so on)

    This is just a sanity check that your "standard.bjt" file was not corrupt.

    (3)  With the schematic open, go to the SPICE Netlist.   Do you see a line something like this:

    .lib D:\path\to\some\directory\...\lib\cmp\standard.bjt

    Now, can you go to that exact location, and open that file?  Use copy-and-paste and include everything except for the ".lib" part at the beginning.  Will it open in Notepad?  Does it open immediately or is there a multi-second delay?


  • Hi Andy,

    Thanks for your reply!

    I ended up removing LTspice and deleting everything related by hand and after a fresh install it works again.
    The (2) that you describe is something I tried and that seemed OK.
    (1) could have been the case, I think there was some path issue going on and with the new install it fixed it.
    I noticed that the old path was something "LTC/" and the new is "Analog Devices/".