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Different results for FRA using LTpowerCAD and LTspice, Specifically LT8643S and LT8390

Category: Software


I have a different results for LT8643S based step-down converter.

LTpowerCAD report closed loop bandwith 100kHz, LTspice 130kHz.
Which of them can be trusted?

See attachment, please.

Anyway... LTspice FRA settings is very poorly documented, I can not find any application notes or other sourses.

Only single basic and very short information available at

Added LT8390 to keywords. Expanded subject.
[edited by: MStokowski at 8:39 PM (GMT -4) on 12 Mar 2024]
Parents Reply
  • Hi ,

    We are on some finishing work to update the LT8643S model.
    We are now able to match the LTpowerCAD gain/phase plot.

    We will also be updating the models for the LT8608S and LT8390.

    For your question:LTpowerCAD vs. LTspice. Which of them can be trusted?

    LTpowerCAD simulation results have been demonstrated to be matching actual hardware test results of various ADI parts.
    The new LTspice FRA tool is also a good tool, well-designed to make measurements following the industry-accepted control loop theory.
    It just so happened that the model you encountered, the LT8643S has a missing internal parameter that affected its results in the frequency domain analysis. Nonetheless, the LT8643S model is still representing the actual device in time-domain analysis.
