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LTspice model for RS-485 preemphasis function

Category: Hardware
Product Number: MAX3291 and MAX22502


Do you have an LTspice model that can simulate the RS-485 preemphasis function?

I'm considering MAX3291 and MAX22502, but I heard that there is no LTspice model.

Best regards,


Updated post with product, category and added tag LMXMprodsupport
[edited by: GenevaCooper at 9:55 PM (GMT -5) on 21 Feb 2023]
  • Hi  ,

    I know that this had been too late overdue.

    I've done quick research on our queue on MAX3291 and MAX22502 but to no avail, both of the parts still do not have any request such that the model for these parts would be created, which is the request is to be done by the Application Engineer.

    In the other hand, I've made some research on our library that would probably help you in your concern, in which I found the part LTC2862 which is similar to the parts you mentioned. This part has an existing model on our updated LTspice Library (see image below), and I also included here the site that will redirect you to the details of the part. Slight smile

    LTC2862 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices


    I hope this helps.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi  ,

    I know that this had been too late overdue.

    I've done quick research on our queue on MAX3291 and MAX22502 but to no avail, both of the parts still do not have any request such that the model for these parts would be created, which is the request is to be done by the Application Engineer.

    In the other hand, I've made some research on our library that would probably help you in your concern, in which I found the part LTC2862 which is similar to the parts you mentioned. This part has an existing model on our updated LTspice Library (see image below), and I also included here the site that will redirect you to the details of the part. Slight smile

    LTC2862 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices


    I hope this helps.

    Best Regards,

