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LTSpice failed during LTM4644 sim

Category: Software
Product Number: LTSpice
Software Version: 17.1.6

I ran into an interesting error while doing a hardware to model correlation on the LTM4644 using LTSpice (v17.1.6).  It’s not really a concern for me but I thought you might want to look into it.

I used an LTM4644 to generate the 3.3V supply for an ECAT tester with a 100nF on the Track/SS pin for a soft-start time of about 24ms.  Our ECAT contract manufacturer had high fall out on one of the DUT components.  The supplier asked them to increase the ramp rate to <1ms.  I chose 2.2nF and the C.M. reported major ringing on the LTM4644 output.  It turned out that during the rework, the tech removed the COMP cap first,  realized the mistake but replaced it with 100nF.   I decided to try to run an LTSpice sim to confirm that this caused the ringing.   The sim result starts to match the measured signal but then starts to fail at about 2.5ms then collapses at about 3.2 ms.

fixed typo
[edited by: JimTM at 8:03 PM (GMT -5) on 1 Feb 2023]
  • Hi  ,

    I tried to run the model of LTM4644 based on your description, see below, and manage to complete a run up to 4ms. Can you provide me your application circuit and made some screenshots of the errors you encountered.

    Thank you.



  • Hi Paul,

    Thanks for looking into this.  The problem shows up when you add 100nF cap on the COMP1 pin,  you have it open.

  • Hi  ,

    Can you attach your application circuit here?

    Thank you.



  • Version 4
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    TEXT -1592 -488 Left 2 !.tran 0 .01 0

  • Hi  ,

    Here's a response I get from the developer team.

    "I checked the corresponding code. There is nothing special in there, it should work.
    Google drive is known to lock files during sync. That may cause problems. Recommend to pause google drive for saving.".
    I suppose the problem is caused by google drive itself.
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