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LTspace EMC simulation

Hi team,

I tried to simulate EMC as per your technical article(

It shows a syntax error when adding the plot file .please check once and give a solution.

*I am attaching asc and PLT files FYR

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  • Hi John Kevin,

    Thanks for your reply, Please support the below method also.

    The technical note- they mentioned the EN55022 Emission Limit Lines program, the same way I made the PLT file and added it to the Ltspice plot setting, but it shows a syntax error.

    In the Below video, they explain the methods. 



  • Thank you for sharing this link!

    This is what I am able to generate so far.

    I'm figuring out how to show the X-axis up to 30MHz.

    Here is the *.plt

    [FFT of time domain data]
    Npanes: 1
    traces: 2 {2,0,"(V(vanalyser2)+V(vanalyser1))*0.5*1e6"} {2,0,"(V(vanalyser2)-V(vanalyser1))*0.5*1e6"}
    X: ('M',0,9000,0,30e+06)
    Y[0]: (' ',0,0.0001,20,1e+006)
    Y[1]: (' ',0,-450,50,100)
    Log: 1 2 0
    GridStyle: 1
    PltMag: 1
    Line: "dB" 4 0 (9000,316227.766016838) (50000,316227.766016838)
    Line: "dB" 4 0 (50000,316227.766016838) (50000,316227.766016838)
    Line: "dB" 4 0 (50000,316227.766016838) (150000,10000)
    Line: "dB" 4 0 (150000,10000) (150000,1995.26231496888)
    Line: "dB" 4 0 (150000,1995.26231496888) (500000,630.957344480193)
    Line: "dB" 4 0 (500000,630.957344480193) (5000000,630.957344480193)
    Line: "dB" 4 0 (5000000,630.957344480193) (5000000,1000)
    Line: "dB" 4 0 (5000000,1000) (30000000,1000)

  • Hi John Kevin,,

    Thanks a lot, it is working now.

    If you have  EN55032 setting, please share