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About reproduction of ad-fmclidar1-ebz

Category: Hardware
Product Number: ad-fmclidar1-ebz
Software Version: None

Dear all,

I know the ad-fmclidar1-ebz platform no longer supports and there are not available in any second distributor, such as Digikey and Mouser. So I am trying to reproduce this platform with the open source hardware files. e.g. .brd file desgined by allegro 17.2. However, I am new to this CAD software so I do not know how to export Gerber files to reproduce the PCB board with the very complex manufacturing parameters. 

My question is:

1. Is there anywhere to get access to the Gerber files with parameters already has been set? If so, this will be a great help.

2. If not, is there some guideline on how to export Gerber files step by step?

Very appreciate.


  • I tried to export the Gebger files with the AFE RevB. But there are some symbols errors so that can not continue.

    My OS is windows 10 and Allegro PCB Designer 17.2-2016 S079 [11/12/2021] Windows SPB 64-bit Edition

    When I was trying to create gerber, this error happened.


         PROCESSING FILM < l1_primary >
         TO FILE < C:/Users/Fengxu/Desktop/378 AFE Rev B/Gerber/ > ...
      Undefined line width                8.00 MIL
      Suppress shape fill on neg film     NO
      Mirror code                         NONE
      Rotate angle                        NONE
      Offset x:                           0.00
      Offset y:                           0.00
      Plot negative                       NO
      Suppress unconnected internal pads  NO
      Draw holes only                     NO
      TYPE       SIZE/NAME                   ROT   MIRROR MODE 
      CIRCLE     0.01600                                  DARK 
      CIRCLE     0.02000                                  DARK 
      CIRCLE     0.02200                                  DARK 
      CIRCLE     0.02500                                  DARK 
      CIRCLE     0.04000                                  DARK 
      CIRCLE     0.04200                                  DARK 
      CIRCLE     0.07000                                  DARK 
      CIRCLE     0.08000                                  DARK 
      SQUARE     0.03200                     0.000 NO     DARK 
      SQUARE     0.04200                     0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.01200     x 0.05200       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.01200     x 0.05700      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.01700     x 0.03500      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.02200     x 0.02000       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.02200     x 0.07000       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.02300     x 0.02600       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.02300     x 0.02600      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.02400     x 0.04100      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.02500     x 0.02900       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.02500     x 0.02900      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.03000     x 0.03500       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.03000     x 0.03500      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.03100     x 0.03900       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.03700     x 0.03900       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.03700     x 0.03900      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.04100     x 0.05500       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.04100     x 0.05500      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.04100     x 0.06900       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.04100     x 0.06900      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.04700     x 0.05700       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.04700     x 0.05700      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.05100     x 0.06300       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.06300     x 0.07900       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.06300     x 0.07900      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.09400     x 0.06500       0.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.09400     x 0.06500      90.000 NO     DARK 
      RECTANGLE  0.11200     x 0.06500      90.000 NO     DARK 
      OBLONG     0.01000     x 0.02400       0.000 NO     DARK 
      OBLONG     0.01000     x 0.03500      90.000 NO     DARK 
      FLASH SYM  CIR40                       0.000 NO     DARK  (undefined)
      PAD SHAPE  SH57X173                    0.000 NO     DARK 
      PAD SHAPE  SH57X173                  180.000 NO     DARK 
        ERROR: aborting film - Undefined aperture symbol, cannot continue.
               See APERTURES USED table in this file for symbols to provide.
     Error in l1_primary--halting output.  Artwork file not generated.
     *** ERROR with l1_primary

    It seems it used a Flash Symbol, CIR40, but Allegro can't find in library.

    What is this CIR40?