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3D ToF Depth Sensing

Category: Software


I need your help to forward the compilation of examples samples in aditof_sdk

the lib aditof is already compile without network support.


sebmenet@sebmenet:~/Sebastien_Menet/aditof_sdk/examples/first-frame/build$ make
[ 50%] Linking CXX executable first-frame
/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/first-frame.dir/main.cpp.o: undefined reference to symbol '_ZN6google10LogMessageC1EPKcii'

  • Hi,

    The approach for building the project is a little bit different.

    You need to create just one build directory.

    For example: ~/Sebastien_Menet/aditof_sdk/build

    Then, inside the build directory you execute cmake and make. After the make is completed, the SDK and all available examples are already built. So you should look for the first-frame executable in: ~/Sebastien_Menet/aditof_sdk/build/examples/first-frame/