Our customer want to know the exposure time of AD-FXTOF1-EBZ and AD-3DSMARTCAM1-PRZ.
Could you please kindly let me know the values ?
I am looking URL below.
Best regards,
Our customer want to know the exposure time of AD-FXTOF1-EBZ and AD-3DSMARTCAM1-PRZ.
Could you please kindly let me know the values ?
I am looking URL below.
Best regards,
The exposure time is 22 nanoseconds. This is for both cameras.
Hi DNechita,
Thanks for your reply.
Could you please kindly teach me following items?
[1] How many times does the shutter release in one exposure ? Is it three times ?
[2] Are all shutter windows 22ns ?
Best regards,
[1] Yes, it is 3 times.
[2] Yes, all shutter windows are 22ns.