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When I ran ./ADIToFGUI and Clicked "Play", I got "Error : Getting platforms -1001!".

Category: Software
Product Number: EVAL-ADTF3175D-NXZ
Software Version: Rel3.2.0 / Rel4.1.1 on Ubuntu 22.04.2


My PC processor is AMD Ryzen 5 and OS is ubuntu 22.04.2.

I referred to

After I ran ./ADIToFGUI and Clicked "Play",  I got  "Error : Getting platforms -1001!".

Could you please kindly let know how to solve the issue ?

I tested Rel3.2.0 and Rel4.1.1 and I got the same error message.

I found that there are some "intel" install items in

Are the release files in just for intel processor ?

If yes, could you kindly teach me how to rebuild for AMD Ryzen processor ? 

Best regards,


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