Does your DDS evaluation software work on Windows XP/Vista/7/8 32-bit/64-bit?
*** UPDATE ***
The AD9910, AD9912A, AD9913, AD9958, and AD9959 evaluation boards and software have been updated to be compatible with 64 bit operating systems such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 as well as be backwards compatible with Windows XP 32-bit. The new software is revision or higher and can be downloaded from the part’s respective evaluation board page. If you have an older evaluation board that isn’t recognized by the new software then you need to re-flash it’s EEPROM to use the new software drivers. Instructions on how to re-flash the EEPROM are also available from the respective evaluation board pages.
-- Original Answer --
If you have Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate, or Enterprise you can download a program called MS VirtualPC and XP mode free from Microsoft. XP mode will function almost exactly like a copy of Windows XP 32-bit (SP3). For all other operating systems like Windows 7 Starter, Basic, and Home Premium, and Windows Vista and Windows 8, you can use or install a different Virtual PC program such as VMWare Player / VMWare Fusion (subject to purchase & licensing), VirtualBox, or Client Hyper-V. However for these programs to run a virtual copy of XP you need to have a valid XP license and product key. Client Hyper-V is only available with Windows 8 Pro and Enterprise and should be pre-installed with the operating system.
A Virtual OS basically functions like a separate computer on top of your current OS. As such, when you first install it, it may not come with any additional software like an anti-virus. Check with your company’s IT department before installing a Virtual PC particularly if you work for a military contractor or other military company as using a virtual OS may not be permitted. If you do use a Virtual OS without an antivirus installed, avoid using the internet and checking email within the Virtual OS as you can still get viruses and they can affect your primary operating system. Only use the programs installed on your main operating system for internet use and email.
* Updated 7/9/2013 to include AD593x and AD983x parts *