We need DDS parts for the high reliability and rad hard space market.
Will ADI never produce such parts and if not what do you suggest
your customers to do?
Status: Jan 2013 - this answer was provided
here the information I got from the DDS Product Line:
ADI has had a number of requests for Space qualified DDS products that are
radiation tolerant. Our space products group has looked at several of these
devices to benchmark the radiation performance of the commercial silicon.
Results indicated the Total Dose performance can approach 100Krad but Single
Event Effects demonstrate relatively low thresholds on the order of <15 MeV. As
a result we have not pursued a product release for Space.
That said, we are currently evaluating some options that could provide a path
to enhance the radiation performance of some of the DDS product family;
however. The very earliest would be from today on over a year from having a
Space product in the market and that would be contingent on our successful
evaluation of the options.
Bottom line, we know there is a market for this and are trying to address it
but cannot offer anything firm at this time.