In datasheet AD9832 Rev. C at page 15 describes When RESET (D12) = 1, the phase
accumulator is set to zero phase that corresponds to an analog output of
in AN1108 at page 3 describes
RESET Bit D12 is set to 1. This resets the internal registers to 0, which
corresponds to an analog output of full scale (see Figure 2).
What is correct ?
The description in the AD9832 datasheet is correct.
When RESET (D12) = 1, the phase accumulator is set to zero phase that
corresponds to an analog output of midscale.
There is an error in AN-1108 page 3, it should read mid-scale not full-scale.
The error is also repeated on page 1: When the AD9832/AD9835 is powered up, the
part should be reset. This resets the appropriate internal registers to 0 to
provide an analog output of full scale. (should read mid-scale).