There is an issue when trying to connect AD9957 evaluation board : USB port is
not recognized by Windows 7 64 bits.
Do you confirm? Is is possible to get updated driver?
(USB chip on the AD9957 eval board is CYPRESS CY7C68013_128).
ADI command soft is correctly installed on his computer but eval board is not
detected because of the USB driver issue.
The eval board is power supplied via TB1 and TB2.
The evaluation software for AD9957 does not yet support 64 bit versions of
Windows 7. It will be updated for 64 bit machines in the coming months.
A workaround would be to use virtual XP or virtual PC mode for 64 bit Windows 7
machines. How-to use virtual XP or virtual PC mode is covered in a FAQ on
Engineer Zone. Kindly find the link below.
Another option would be to switch to a 32 bit Windows system.