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AD5934 performance compare to AD5933

Category: Hardware
Product Number: AD5934


We develop a bioimpedance device using the AD5933 and we would like to replace it with AD5934.

How the lower sample rate of 250Ksps of AD5934, compare to AD5933 with 1Msps effect on the device resolution,accuracy and measurment time?

The data sheet of the AD5934 is not clear about the effect of the difference in the sample rate on the device performance.

We are using the AD5933 for sweep bioimpedance measurment across 50 frequncies from 1Khz to 100Khz and 4 electrode measurment type.

Looking forward to your answer,

Best regard,


Thread Notes

  • There is some impact on impedance accuracy when the sampling rate is reduced but it is difficult to quantify since it depends on multiple factors, including the nature of the impedance being measured.

    I am attaching a simulation model that includes the ADC and the DSP so that you can evaluate the degradation in your particular use case.

    EVAL-AD5933 with ADC.asc

    LTSpice does not have a way to display numerical results, so the outcome of the formulas that emulate the DSP can be seen in the Error Log file.

    re: INTEG(v(imeas)*v(sin))=9.81017e-005 FROM 0 TO 0.0002
    yreal: (2*re*freq)/(n*gain*rfb)=0.000981017
    im: INTEG(v(imeas)*v(cos))=3.58174e-006 FROM 0 TO 0.0002
    yim: (2*im*freq)/(n*gain*rfb)=3.58174e-005
    zmod: 1/sqrt(yreal**2+yim**2)=1018.67
    phi: atan(yim/yreal)=2.09097
    zre: zmod*cos(phi)=1017.99
    zim: zmod*sin(phi)=37.1674

  • Hi,

    Circuit: * C:\Users\galya\Downloads\EVAL-AD5933 with ADC.asc
    WARNING: Node N008 is floating.
    WARNING: Less than two connections to node N008.  This node is used by A1.
    WARNING: Less than two connections to node COS.  This node is used by V5.
    WARNING: Less than two connections to node IMEAS.  This node is used by E3.
    Instance "m:u2:6": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u2:5": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u2:4": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u2:3": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u2:2": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u2:1": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u1:6": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u1:5": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u1:4": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u1:3": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u1:2": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Instance "m:u1:1": Length shorter than recommended for a level 2 MOSFET.
    Direct Newton iteration failed to find .op point.  (Use ".option noopiter" to skip.)
    Starting Gmin stepping
    Increasing initial diagonal Gmin to 100
    Increasing initial diagonal Gmin to 1000
    Gmin = 1000
    Gmin = 107.374
    Gmin = 11.5292
    Gmin = 1.23794
    Gmin = 0.132923
    Gmin = 0.0142725
    Gmin = 0.0015325
    Gmin = 0.00016455
    Gmin = 1.76685e-005
    vernier = 0.5
    vernier = 0.25
    vernier = 0.125
    vernier = 0.0625
    vernier = 0.03125
    vernier = 0.015625
    vernier = 0.0078125
    Gmin = 1.13078e-005
    vernier = 0.00390625
    vernier = 0.00195313
    vernier = 0.000976563
    vernier = 0.000488281
    Gmin = 0
    Gmin stepping failed
    Starting source stepping with srcstepmethod=0
    Could not converge to DC with sources off!
    Starting source stepping with srcstepmethod=1
    Source Step = 3.0303%
    vernier = 0.25
    Source Step = 7.57576%
    Source Step = 15.1515%
    Source Step = 22.7273%
    Source Step = 30.303%
    Source Step = 37.8788%
    vernier = 0.0625
    Source Step = 37.1419%
    Source stepping failed
    Pseudo transient terminated at 102.851 s, solution accepted ready or not!
    re: INTEG(v(imeas)*v(sin))=-4.85799e-011 FROM 0 TO 0.0002
    yreal: (2*re*freq)/(n*gain*rfb)=-4.85799e-010
    im: INTEG(v(imeas)*v(cos))=7.34091e-011 FROM 0 TO 0.0002
    yim: (2*im*freq)/(n*gain*rfb)=7.34091e-010
    zmod: 1/sqrt(yreal**2+yim**2)=1.136e+009
    phi: atan(yim/yreal)=-56.5046
    zre: zmod*cos(phi)=6.26926e+008
    zim: zmod*sin(phi)=-9.47348e+008
    Date: Thu Jul 11 09:03:33 2024
    Total elapsed time: 8.321 seconds.
    tnom = 27
    temp = 27
    method = modified trap
    totiter = 61738
    traniter = 46503
    tranpoints = 23251
    accept = 18907
    rejected = 4560
    matrix size = 315
    fillins = 552
    solver = Normal
    Thread vector: 105.9/45.5[8] 19.8/10.7[8] 15.4/8.2[7] 3.1/20.3[1]  2592/500
    Matrix Compiler1: 37.73 KB object code size  33.2/15.9/[4.6]
    Matrix Compiler2: 37.53 KB object code size  14.6/14.7/[6.0]

    Thank you for answering.

    Is there delay in the measurment time comparing to AD5933?,because of the change in the ADC sampling rate? 

    I could not run the stimulation in the LTspice software, error log is attached.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    Thank you for answering.

    Is there any effect on the measurment time? 

    I run the simulation in LTspice,but I got results that does not make sense.

    re: INTEG(v(imeas)*v(sin))=-4.85799e-011 FROM 0 TO 0.0002
    yreal: (2*re*freq)/(n*gain*rfb)=-4.85799e-010
    im: INTEG(v(imeas)*v(cos))=7.34091e-011 FROM 0 TO 0.0002
    yim: (2*im*freq)/(n*gain*rfb)=7.34091e-010
    zmod: 1/sqrt(yreal**2+yim**2)=1.136e+009
    phi: atan(yim/yreal)=-56.5046
    zre: zmod*cos(phi)=6.26926e+008
    zim: zmod*sin(phi)=-9.47348e+008



  • Note that the admittance values are very small, which means that the measured signal is very low (check Imeas). The RFB resistor must be set to the lowest impedance under test if using PGA gain 1, or 1/5 of it if using PGA gain 5.

    Settling time remains the same because it is measured in cycles of the excitation signal, but measurement time is increased times 4 because the DSP still collects 1024 samples.

  • Hi,

    Thank you,now the simulation is working.

    I added a cite from the datasheet of the component, in both AD5934 and AD5933 is written the same, is it a mistake?

    "The ADC takes 1024 samples, and the result is stored as real data and imaginary data in Register Address 0x94 to Register Address 0x97. The conversion process takes approximately 1 ms using a 16.777 MHz clock"

    Should the conversion process be 4ms in AD5934?


  • I think so, but I don't have a board at hand to confirm it.

  • I tested the simluation in LTspice with 250k,1M,2M sps.

    The simulation time is increased from 250k with 4.6 sec to 7 sec with 1M.

    Then the measurment time decreases, is it a good way to test it?



  • Simulation time is not related to the operation time of the chip. 1 MSPS takes longer to simulate because there are more sampling points to process and the CPU is the same.

  • Yes, the AD9834 takes longer to perform the measurement than the AD9833.