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Problem for finding complete working code and connection of AD5934 IC with Arduino uno

Category: Hardware
Software Version: Arduino uno 1.8.2

I am trying to interface AD5934 IC with Arduino UNO ...I am not getting exact hardware connection and complete working of coding part.

I am trying to calculate impedance measurement and calibration part using AD5934 IC with Arduino UNO .

Please any one could help me out for this tissue.

I have a deadline of 1 week to complete this project.

I have tried in all possible ways.

Please could any one can help me out is more greatful to me.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    Is the coding reference link will even work with the evaluation board 

  • Hi,

    Can you please share the code where RFB and Zunknown is connected and the impedance of Zunknown should be displayed on Serial monitor ................please any one can suggest me

  • It is a bit more complicated than that: one has to calibrate the system first and then Zunknown is calculated based on the calibration data. It is usually done by connecting a resistor of a well-known resistance - Rcal, measuring system output - Out, based on the two values calculating system gain: from Out = Gain / Rcal  =>  Gain = Out * Rcal  and storing the value of Gain. Then connecting Zunknown, measuring Outunknown and calculating Zunknown = Gain / Outunknown.

    In terms of the code, the closest to what you seem to need is the code for CN-0349, The CN-0349 board has the calibration resistors and switches that connect/disconnect those resistors and unknown impedance to/from the measurement circuit, so, since you would need to do that manually - the code needs to be modified accordingly.