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AD9822 Maximum output frequency

Dear Sir,

        I am Jayaraj.A,from India. I am using AD9833 for my application run by a 25MHz MCLK and I am expecting a 0-1MHz Fout in SINE, triangle & square. My 9833 is powered by +5V. I am able to vary the fout based on my uC data output.

  But I am finding small jitters in my output (especially on square wave) above 300Khz, which I was unable to control through my passive LPF on the Fout.


  1. What is the maximum frequency, I can expect from AD9833 (with 25MHz as MCLK) without jitters, for SINE, triangle & square waves?

  2. I got a gain of 7 for a amplifier sitting outside the 9833 for sine & triangle. is this gain too high? what is the preferred gain?

  3. For avoiding jitters, if I parallel a resistor (eg., 100K IIel to 200E) to the existing 200E, will it help?

  4. Assist me a to design a passive low pass filter with cutoff of 1.5MHz.

With regards,


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