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AD5932 SPI polarity and phase


I've read the AD5932 datasheet and found it to be doubtful regarding the SPI parameters to be used, especially regarding polarity. On page, it states that "SCK idles high between write operations (CPOL = 0)". However, from several sources I read that CPOL = 0 means that the clock is active high, and therefore should idle low. My question is, after all, the clock is active high or active low? Also, regarding the phase, it is trailing edge triggered (CPHA = 1)?

Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço

  • Hi Samuel Lourenço,

    As a response for your questions:

    1. The clock is active high (CPOL = 0). The datasheet indicates that SCK is high between write operations which is the same with the clock being active high.

    2. Yes. The phase is trailing edge triggered (CPHA = 1)

    Best regards,


  • Hi Mark,

    So, the clock idles high between write operations, but idles low at the beginning and at the end of the transaction, right? I'm sorry, but It is not making much sense to me. Other sources show the clock idling low when CPOL is set to 0, but do not show the inter-byte state.

    Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço

  • Hi Samuel Lourenço,

    Apologies, I got confused with the statement on the data sheet regarding CPOL 0.

    I thought this statement: "SCK idles high between write operations (CPOL = 0)", indicates that the active state of SCK is high or 1. This statement rather indicates that SCK idles high at the beginning and the end of the write operation or transaction which is CPOL 1 instead.

    I'll try to verify this first and get back to you later. Thanks!

    Best regards,


  • Hi Samuel Lourenço,

    I've already confirmed this issue and there was a typo on the data sheet.

    The correct polarity and phase is CPOL = 1 and CPHA = 0.

    The data sheet is now being updated to reflect these corrections.


    Best regards,


  • Thanks Mark,

    That explains why I was not being able to control the AD5932. I was seeing the signals on my oscilloscope. I'll have to try the new settings.

    Kind regards, Samuel Lourenço