Q: In Table1 of MAX5214's datasheet, the 'Write Through' function requires to set D15:14 to 0:1.
But in Table1, its D15:14 is not comply with Table1, it this one TYPO?
A: No, it is not one TYPO. The content shown in Table1 includes control bit & data. Since MAX5214 is 14bit data, so, its data are with 14bit only, from D13:D0. Include 2bit control bit, to be a 16bit word.
In Table5, it is the data which DAC latch contents. For this case, the 14bit had been shifted to make D13 in Table1 to be D15. And supplement 2bit to D1:D0 to be a 16bit word.
It is also comply with sequence in Figure1
Similar access in MAX5216 which is one 16bit DAC.