The device ID of the PIXI can be read through the SPI protocol. Write a value of 0X00000001 through MOSI line to the PIXI where the first 7 bits are the address of the register and the last bit is the (R/!W) bit. As soon as you write this to the PIXI the MISO line reads 0X0424. Please find below the sample arduino code which allows the user to read the device ID of the PIXI ADC.
SPISettings PIXI_settings(1000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE0);
void setup()
pinMode(ChipSelect, OUTPUT); //Selecting chip select as output
Serial.begin(9600); //Setting the Baud rate
SPI.begin(); //Intitialize SPI
uint16_t MAX11300regRead(uint8_t regAddress8)
uint8_t Byte1;
uint16_t Received_word;
digitalWrite (CS,LOW);
Byte1 = SPI.transfer(regAddress8);
Received_word = SPI.transfer16(0xaaaa);
digitalWrite (CS,HIGH);
return Received_word;
//Main Starts here
void loop()
Serial.print("Hello PIXI");
Device_ID = MAX11300regRead(0X01); //(Fisrst 7 bits from MSB are address and LSB is read bit which 1)
Serial.println(Device_ID, HEX);