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About EVAL-AD5665R win8.1 64bit USB-DRIVER

Please tell me what is USB driver of "EVAL-AD5665R" as win8.1 64 bit?

Is this same as CY7C68013A driver?

I don't find any USB driver in Cypress web-site, would ADI be available to provide the AD5665R win8.1 64bit USB-DRIVER?

Thanks, Keiichi Hashimoto

  • Hi Keiichi,

    I'm sorry but the board you are referring is obsolete, and we do not provide support anymore.

    Being said that, lets check if this solution works,

    Install the Drivers.exe first. Once it is installed, copy the AD5665.exe into PROGRAMFILES\Analog Devices\AD5665R

    The folder should be there already.. if there is not there, install again the AD5665 installer from the web.

