Im using the ad5721r DAC to controll the biasvoltage of a varktordiode (144 in total, DACs in Daisy Chain). For now i configured the DAC0 to unipolar mode 0-5V. Im not able to get any output voltage from the DAC (its always 0V). I attached an image of the SPI lines and the schematic.
First i send a Fullreset 0x0F followed by a write operation of the controll register 0x04063B. The readback operation shows a value of 0x0C063B which looks ok. The last step writes data (2000 counts) to the input register with automatic update of the dac register 0x037D00 (readback shows right value). This should force the output to Voutmax/2. But the output does not show anything. Vdd = 6V Vss = 0V DVcc = 3.3V. SPI CLK 125 kHz. Vref Out = 2.5V. Nsync pauses 5us and 35us .
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards,
D0 = NSync
1 = MISO (SDO0_SDI1)
D4 = NReset (always high)